Monday, February 25, 2013

New Lay's Potato Chip Flavors

So you've probably heard about the new flavors Lay's just released, and they're asking people to try them and vote which one you'd like them to keep. The flavors released are Sriracha, Cheesy Garlic Bread, and Chicken & Waffles. So far, I've tried the first two, seeing as I haven't heard especially good things about the chicken and waffles flavor, but I'm the kind of person that's willing to give anything a chance.

First flavor I tried was Sriracha, and being I'm a bit of a fanatic when it comes to the sauce, I was very eager to try it. I bit into my first chip, and was a little taken aback. It didn't taste remotely like Sriracha, not at first. It was a sweet taste, not very spicy like I'm used to. It wasn't until after about five chips that I tasted some spice, but it still didn't have a Sriracha-like taste. It tasted like a hot sauce, that's for sure. After the initial disappointment, I found these to be quite tasty. Just not the amazing epicness I was hoping for.

I thought the Cheesy Garlic Bread flavor tasted more like its name, although the garlic flavor was slight, and there sure wasn't any bread-like flavor to it. But still, they reminded me of the cheddar and sour cream flavor of Lay's chips, but had more of a tanginess to them. I quite liked them, and I'd recommend them if you're looking for a tasty chip, just not something particularly mind-blowing.

I'd have to give the Sriracha flavor a 7 out of 10, and the CGB flavor a 7.5 out of 10. I guess if I were to vote for a flavor I might lean towards the Sriracha, since I'd like to see more companies taking note of its popularity and try their own versions of the flavor. Sriracha Cheetos anyone?

I will end up trying the Chicken & Waffles flavor eventually, and when I do I'll definitely post a review of it. Until then, check these other two flavors out, and snack on.